
Saturday, December 9, 2017

Character Information

Name: Dojan Keir Paxton-Von
Nickname: Doj, Kei
Species: Witch/Wolf
Home World: Asmiara
Home Land: Asmia
Accent Sounds like: Portuguese
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Omnisexual
Height: 6'3"
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue


Dojan entered the world several minutes after his sister. Those within the birthing chamber were overjoyed at the sight of them--expect for Dojan's grandfather. He loved his grandchildren dearly, but whatever joy he felt towards their birth were consumed by fear of what the future held for them due to the powers they had inherited from him. He was a telepath and it seemed that he passed this ability onto Dojan and his twin. He knew that without proper training that they would be driven insane, and he did not want them to suffer that fate. He did not want to break them in the same manner that his father broke him, or the manner that he broke Catalina.

There was only one way to keep them from sharing this fate, and that was to kill them. He managed to kill Dojan's sister before Catalina came upon the scene. She immediately seized both of the babies and fled with them. She didn't make it very far before she was stopped by his grandmother, whom asked Catalina what the matter was. Catalina immediately told her that Dojan's grandfather had killed the female baby and was planning on doing the same to Dojan. His grandfather believed that he couldn't tell them the truth behind why he had done it fed them a lie. He claimed he never planned on killing Dojan, and only killed the female child because she had too much witch within her blood. It would have ruined their deception if they allowed the female child to live.

Dojan's father would realize that the woman whom had given birth to them were not their biological mother, and they had worked so hard to ensure the woman whom gave birth to his first children had been wolf in hope in convincing him to embrace his destiny. His father was said to be the philosophized one. The wolves believed that there was going to be one born among them that would unite their people under one banner and into one kingdom, and his father's pack believed that he was this wolf. They did not want their chosen one mate to be a witch. No, they believed that she should be a wolf. So, when knowledge of Dojan's biological mother pregnancy became known they decided to take the babies she was carrying and plant them inside what they consider a more suitable match for Dojan's father.

They planned on keeping this deception for the rest of time, but fate decided it had different plans. Around a year after his birth, Dojan's biological mother learned of the truth. She was extremely upset over what had been taken from her. She had lost a year in her child's life--a year that she would never get back. In her anger, she lashed out with her powers at the woman whom pretended to be Dojan's mother during this time and begun to decay. She might have allowed this to be her fate if Dojan hadn't pleaded with her to spare his mother. She couldn't deny him this request any more than her own father could deny her request to spare her own mother, and her mother had committed far worse crimes to her than this woman had to Dojan.

She reversed the spell and took her son away from there. It didn't take long for his father to come after his mother, demanding that she give his son back to him. He didn't want to admit at first that he had been deceived in this manner--even though he had his suspicion. He believed that Dojan had too much magic for his heritage, but his father had told him that magic was not something that one can predict and if there was even an ounce of magic inside a line it is possible for it to emerge in a child in its full strength. However, when he learned of the truth of his heritage his son's magical abilities made sense. Dojan's mother came from a family of witches whose magic seemed almost limitless.

Still, his father was afraid to admit this fact. He feared that if he did that Dojan's mother would decide that he had taken part in this deception, and that in her lack belief in the role he didn't play in her son not being known to her for a year that she would keep Dojan from him. Once he realized that this wasn't going to be the case, he readily accepted the truth. His father was ready to leave his wolf heritage behind, to raise his son as a witch, but it was decided that it would be best for Dojan to know the truth of his entire heritage--for him to know his wolf side as well as his witch. He was a child whom seemed to be the perfect blend of both his parents.

He even had the trait that lead his father's pack to believe that he was the philosophized one, and that was whenever he look into the mirror his reflection was the beast inside. His differ from his father's in the fact that his reflection was the actual wolf instead of the monstrous humanoid wolf form that is father's reflection revealed. In fact, Dojan didn't seem to have this third form that many of his father's people--whether they were from his pack or not---seemed to possess.

His telepathic abilities became clear not long after his mother found him. This gift revealed itself during a conversation with one of his father's friends, whom Dojan was named after. Dojan had taken the tiger's thoughts and implanting them inside his mother's mind leading the tiger to become very upset with his mother because he believed she had read his mind and that was the only place he believed he was truly free with whatever he thought or felt, and his mother to be confused because she had thought he had spoken those words aloud. Whatever anger his namesake felt towards the entire incident subsided once he realize the truth of what happened, and he decided like everyone else that cared for Dojan to help him learn how to control this ability without it driving him insane.

It became clear around this incident that there were something about Dojan life that could have a major impact upon his mental state. The truth of his twin's fate became known to his mother. Catalina had tried to bring the baby back to life after Dojan's grandfather had killed her, but her attempts failed. She kept trying, over and over again, hoping that this time she would manage to do it--only to fail with each attempt and turning her granddaughter into a monster in the process. The only way that Dojan's mother could save his sister from the fate she found herself within was by killing her.

She realized, however, what the lose of his sister could do to Dojan. Witches believed that twins held a very close bond---especially those sets of twins where one was a male and the other was a female. They believed that twins represented the balance of the light and the dark that they believed so greatly within and that if one twin died that it left the other twin feeling incomplete as well as affect his mental state. His family did everything in their power to keep the lose of his twin from hurting him too much. It still clearly affected him--even at young age this was obvious--but he is certain that without his family's intervention that his mental state would have been far worse than what it was.

Over the next few years, there was no major incidents that directly affected Dojan's life. Sure, his loved ones faced their share of trails and hardship, but during this time he was allowed to be a child free of the burdens that the adults around him had to face. True, his telepathic abilities brought him face to face with these burden more than his peer but his family did everything in their power to prevent them from impacting his childhood too much. He developed an extremely close bond with his mother's father and many claim that it was the fact that Dojan being a  half-wolf that played a major role in helping his father get over his hatred of canines. Dojan believes that the fact his grandfather's familiar being a canine had more to do with him overcoming his hatred than anything else. Whatever the truth might be, whenever Dojan wasn't with his parents he could usually be found within his grandfather's care.

When he was eleven years old, his mother ended up giving birth to his sister. The baby wasn't just any sister, but she was the reincarnation of the twin he had lost so long ago. He knew it was her. How? Probably in the same manner that someone know their own arms. No it was more than that. People can be tricked to think another arm was their arm. He just did. He knew that his sister being born from his mother again was very unusual. First, he thought the damage done to her would be too great that it would take many more years for her soul to heal before she could be reborn and second even if it did happen this quickly the likelihood that she would come from the same womb twice was very slim. In the end, the likelihood of her being born his sister had no impact upon is feelings for her.

He loved her just as much as he would have if death had never separated them. He was extremely protective over her. He constantly watched over her--in order to make sure that she didn't end up suffering the same fate she had the last time she came into the world. It was this desire that lead him to kill for the first time just months after he hit his magical puberty, and the one he ended up killing was the very same woman woman whom had given birth to him and whom he convinced his own mother to spare all those years ago.

The woman believed that she was still standing in the way of her son's destiny. A destiny that many without the pack were starting to believe was Dojan's, and that once upon a time when the philosophy had been first given the word monster had actually been beast. They believe that this might be the case because Dojan seem to hold the ability to communicate with animals much in the same manner his mother does and more so than his father ever could---especially canines. Whatever the truth might be, the woman blamed his mother for keeping her son from his destiny, and decided that she needed to be removed.

She decided that the best way to do this was to kill one of his mother's children and lure her into a trap to be killed by the woman that had once given birth to Dojan. She had no idea that even if she had succeeded in killing one of his mother's children that she would fail in killing his mother. There was a reason they say that there is nothing worse than a woman scorned, and when it came to her children Dojan's mother lived and breathed that idea. She would stop at nothing to make sure those whom had ever hurt one of her children would pay their due, and this would be even more true if someone actually killed one of them. As much as Dojan might have loved to watch his mother wrath descend upon the woman he could not stand idly by and watch his sister be slaughtered. He took action into his own hands and slayed his sister's would be killer.

He did not kill her with his own two hands. No, instead he took control of her mind and made her do the deed herself. He still count it as him doing it himself, and he enjoyed it. It wasn't the thrill of the kill that he found most enjoyable. The part he loved the most was taking over her mind and having her kill herself. He had absolute control over her in that moment, and he wanted to have that much power over another person again. He found himself wanting to dominate another person so completely that they wouldn't even breath without his express permission.

It wasn't long after this incident that Dojan learned the truth of whom he was among his mother's people. He was the high priest of manipulation and as such, many believed, the rightful heir to the Von clan. The Von clan had been whipped out years ago when Dojan had been just a baby, and his grandfather had every intention of allowing it to be revived when he learned that the number of witch clans were twelve instead of six when the witches came into being, and that the Vons were one of these original twelve. However, in spite the number of people wishing to be a member of the Von clan, none of them were willing to take up the title of clan head---not even Dojan's other grandfather who held that position once upon a time.

Those whom had decided they would belong to the newly revived Von clan decided that there were only two possible candidates for leader of their clan, and that was either the high priest or high priestess of the concept of manipulation They actually believe that the high priest and high priestess should rule the clan together, and that their children should inherit the clan when they pass it onto the next generation and so forth and so forth, but since they had no idea whom the high priestess was they settle for Dojan taking full control of the clan. The was only one thing holding him back, and that was the fact he hadn't taken his leadership test. It didn't take them long to convince him to take this test, and unsurprisingly he passed it, and he seized control of the Von clan as soon as he did. Truth be told, he had always wished to take control of it and redeem it much in the same manner that his mother had redeemed the Paxton.

Dojan has proven himself to be a very capable leader since he had taken control of the Von clan. He granted it the redemption he sought to bring it, and made it into a very respected--albeit dark--clan. He had read many ancient texts and lore on what the clan had been once upon a time and brought these old traditions back to life. He changed them slightly to fit the modern world, but he believed that if his people believed that only the high priest and/or high priestess of manipulation were fit to rule them than they would be overjoyed if he honored other aspects of the clan during those ages. He was right. He even helped other clans learn about their ancient cultural, and bring them into the modern world if they so wished.

He haven't found his high priestess, but he knows that when he does that he will take her as his first wife. He believes--like his people--that she is meant to sit by his side and rule over their clan. There are times that he suspect that she is nearby, or that he even already know whom she is. However, this is a passing feeling that leaves just as suddenly as it came. He has taken several lovers since he had became clan head. Some come to him hoping to gain whatever power they can from sharing his bed. Others actually care for him. He doesn't let this fact stop him from dominating them completely inside the bedroom, and some of them out of the bedroom. Well, as much as one person can dominate another person outside the bedroom without taking control of their mind.

Face Portrayed By: Adam Lambert

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